Monday, July 25, 2011

Week 3 EOC Demographics - MINE

The demographic  group I belong to is the Millennials.  The Millennials are the 83 million children of the baby boomers born between 1977 and 2000. The group consists of several age groups inside itself such as: tweens, teens, and young adults. Millennials are the first age group to grow up with technology and are fluent in using it. “One thing that all of the Millennials have in common is their utter fluency and comfort with digital technology. They don’t just embrace technology, it’s a way of life.(Marketing: An Introduction, pg. 17). And well this is true for me. I know how to use pretty much everything that has to do with technology nowadays. I use it every day whether I notice it or not. It’s just something I grew up with so it’s not something that I can ignore if I’ve been around it my whole life. It’s important to keep up with all the technology because it helps with everyday life. “The Millennials were the first generation to grow up in a world filled with computers, cellphones, satellite TV, iPods, and online social networks.”(Marketing: An Introduction, pg. 17). All this technology is very useful even for people born in a different age group. Knowing how to use these devices can make a lot of things easier. Being able to find information about something you want to purchase from you’re phone is pretty useful.  “Millennials are bombarded with marketing messages coming at them from all directions. And rather than having mass marketing messages pushed at them, they prefer to seek out information and engage in two-way brand conversations.” (Marketing: An Introduction, pg. 17).  

Monday, July 18, 2011

Week 2 EOC: Boston Consulting Group - Video Games

In the video game market, most of the home consoles like the Xbox 360, PS3, and Wii are losing sales due to people waiting for the price to drop. On the other hand, the games that appear to be the star in this decline is not even a game system, they’re the downloadable games on the smart phones. “In 2009 smartphone games accounted for 19% of the total money spent on portable games, with portable game devices like the Nintendo DS accounting for the remainder.” ( This is mostly because the games are inexpensive and because people like to be able to keep busy while they might be waiting for something and they always have their phones with them. The cash cow in this is the Xbox 360. Although it’s sales are in decline, people are still playing Xbox Live and able to play with people all over the world. “Microsoft’s Xbox LIVE service and Kinect have both helped Microsoft maintain a solid lead in the U.S. console market.” ( T he only downside is that people need to pay to play online which is where the Xbox would get most of it’s money. The question mark in this is the Wii. People are still playing it and are still buying games for it but it’s not certain where it might go from there. The PS3 is the dog in all this. It’s sales are below both the Xbox and the Wii. It’s price is higher which would probably keep most people from buying it. And it’s live network work isn’t as good as Xbox Live, even though it’s free. “There are lot of issues on the PSN now and then and we hear a lot of people moan about it. In other words, PSN is one of the features that is unpopular among the PS3 gamers. Yes, of course it’s free but the price of free that makes everyone considering to buy this console.” (

Monday, July 11, 2011

Week 1 EOC Great Customer Service

A time when I remember when I had great customer service was when I went to Walmart to buy a video game. I went and bought my game and everything and when I got to the car I opened it up and was shocked to see what was inside. The game wasn’t there. It was some bootleg, scratched up, burned CD that had nothing to do with the game. I was like “What?!” I was mad because I had paid for the game and it was completely sealed in a wrapper and everything and there wasn’t even a game inside of the box. So after I saw that I got my receipt and went back into the store. I went up to the cashier that sold me the game and showed her what was inside the box. She was just as shocked as I was. She asked me if it was wrapped when I got it and I told her it was. From there she didn’t know what to do because she was new and didn’t really know what to do so she called her manager. I was mad but not so much at her because she was new and didn’t really know what to do. So when her manager got there I told him what happened. He also asked me if it was wrapped when I bought it and I told him it was. He then told me that usually when the game is opened outside the store that it they don’t know if it was switched on purpose and can’t really do anything about it. But since I had only taken like 5 minutes to go and come back and show them the game that he would get me a new one. So he should me great customer service right there when he believed me when I told him that I hadn’t switched it on purpose. And getting me a replacement for the game.

Week 1 EOC My Voice

Since a young age, I had an interest in music. I knew I wanted to do something involving music with my life. As I grew older I started took interest in the more technical side of music. I would wonder how CDs were recorded or how things were layered on tracks. I took interest in learning how to play electric guitar and attempted to learn more about how all the different sounds and effects that are able to be played on it. I got to get more in depth with audio when my dad bought a sound system and allowed me to use it. I would mess around with it here and there and would sometimes use if for live sound when for parties and meetings I would go to. From that little experience I had I was able to get some friends together and form a band. In that band I was able to use a get familiar with a lot more equipment I wasn’t familiar with. With that I was able to go into a recording studio. There I was able to meet someone that already knew all about the audio field. Being in that recording studio made me  realized that learning audio would be the perfect way to incorporate music with something I want to do in life.